CA utility will happily sign a request with any certificate, even if it is not a CA certificate
As stated before, the CA utility will happily sign a request with any certificate, even if it is not a CA certificate. 以...
As stated before, the CA utility will happily sign a request with any certificate, even if it is not a CA certificate. 以...
JDK1.8下SSLContext默认的protocol和cipher suite如下(TLS): [crayon-67e4b72acb28f318569665/] 参考资料1中称JDK部分cipher suite性能较OpenSSL的实现...
通常我们得到的SSL证书至少包含三个文件: ca.pem:CA根证书 cert.pem:ca.pem签发的用户证书 cert.key:用户私钥 视情况可能还有中间CA的证书。 生成JKS文件需要用到Java中的keytool工具,用来生成K...
一、NTP协议简介 NTP是Network Time Protocol,SNTP是Simple Network Time Protocol。SNTP是NTP的一个子集,比NTP协议简单,可确保秒级精度,没有冗余服务端和校正时钟频率误差功能。...
1、修改 [crayon-67e4b72acbbd7941535007/] 2、修改hbase-site.xml [crayon-67e4b72acbbe0606836672/] 3、修改regionservers ...
ZK集群的搭建非常简单,需要先安装JDK。 一、从官网下载ZooKeeper 目前的最新稳定版是3.5.5,下载apache-zookeeper-3.5.5-bin.tar.gz然后直接解压即可。 二、新建配置文件zoo.cfg 将conf...