第一次尝试Flutter开发,发现Android Studio开发Flutter工程时即使插入了真机也提示no devices:
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E:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb devices -l List of devices attached 84B7N16******00187 device product:angler model:Nexus_6P device:angler transport_id:2 E:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools> |
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H:\flutter_windows_v1.12.13+hotfix.8-stable\flutter\bin>flutter config --android-sdk E:\AndroidSDK Setting "android-sdk" value to "E:\AndroidSDK". You may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings. H:\flutter_windows_v1.12.13+hotfix.8-stable\flutter\bin> |
设置Android SDK的路径。
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